Beginning with Outlook 2007, users can share calendars using Office Online. If you prefer not to publish your calendars on an Internet server and you have one machine running Windows Server, Windows XP or Vista, you can publish the calendar to your computer and share it with other user accounts or anyone on your network who uses Outlook 2007/2010 or Vista's Windows Calendar.
All you need to do is install IIS (Internet Information Server) on one computer and enable WebDav. With the correct permissions, all local users can access and publish calendars at
By using this method to share calendars, the calendars will be updated on a regular schedule and pushed out to the subscribers.
- Published calendars will automatically update or check for updates once per hour.
- For network use, install IIS on a machine that will be turned on either 24/7 or on longer than the others for best results.
Publish Calendars | IIS on Windows XP
Publish Calendars
Publishing calendars in Outlook 2007/2010 is easy: right click on the calendar you want to publish and choose Publish to Internet, Publish to WebDAV server. Enter the location in this format: https://computername/folder_name, where folder_name is the folder you created in Step 4.1 below. (Computername is the name of the computer where IIS is installed.)
Note: you need to have a WebDav server set up and configured before you can publish a calendar.
Install and Configure IIS in Windows XP
If IIS is not installed (it's not installed by default):
- Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs.
- Select the link to Add/Remove Windows Components.
- Add a checkmark to Internet Information Services (IIS)
- While it's selected, click Details.
- Uncheck SMTP
- Click Ok then Next and wait for the IIS installation to finish.
Tip: Get your Windows XP Pro CD ready before you start so you have it handy if the installation process asks for it.
- From Control Panel, Administrative Tools, open Internet Information Services.
- Expand the view so you can see Default Web Site.
- Right click on it and choose New, Virtual Directory.
- Follow the steps in the wizard to add a Virtual Directory.
- The first field will be the name of the directory, such as calendar. (This name is used in the publishing URL.)
- The second field needs the path on the hard drive. This needs to be a folder all users will have access to - I recommend creating a folder in the root of the hard drive, such as C:\calendar.
- You need Read and Write permission on this virtual directory.
- Choose Browse if you want users to be able to browse for the calendar they want to view.
For Best security:
- Right click on the virtual directory you created.
- Select Properties
- On the Directory Security tab, choose Edit in the Anonymous access section at the top of the dialog.
- Remove the check to allow Anonymous access.
- Click to use Windows Integrated Authentication.
- Click OK.
This prevents people outside your network from gaining access to the calendar through the Internet.
If users will access the calendar files from other computers on the network:
- Open Control Panel, User Accounts
- Create a new User account for this computer. (i.e., username of Calendar)
- Assign a password to this account.
When other members of your network attempt to access this computer, they will enter the username and password you created above. Note: a new account is not necessary if you are using this method to share calendars between user accounts on the computer where IIS is running.
IIS is now installed and ready to use to use for publishing calendars.
Assuming an Exchange 2016 server, capable of publishing shared OWA calendars... is it possible to maintain the color fidelity on Categorized appointments? What's the trick/tweak to assigning colors to categories on the published/public output generated from shared Exchange calendars-- which do render the correctly mapped Categories/colors for authorized/authenticated users are looking at the shared calendars via OWA or Outlook, but do not render the proper colors when viewing via the published/public URL?
Thanks in advance for any hints you can offer.
For published calendars, the user would need the category name in their category list and it would use the same color as they have assigned.
For shared calendars, the colors are visible if you have the same category in your category list - if you have owner permissions on the calendar, the calendar's colors categories are used if the category is not on your list.
Thanks for the prompt response DIane. In process of working this out with/for someone, and don't have the 'hands-on' at present, but my understanding is it's a 'shared calendar' which will then be 'published'... meaning that published calendar is accessible via a publicly accessible URL, AND available to non-authenticated/anonymous users as read-only. eg. Not clear to me discrete users have a category list (other than perhaps whatever exists on the server where the published calendar is persisted/published to and served from. Maybe that, a kin to a shared folder, has some editable UI for defining the master category list, or otherwise has some persisted list of default Categories/color mappings which I can find and manually edit to reflect the desired custom categories/colors assuming all edits maintain proper syntax).
AND available to non-authenticated/anonymous users as read-only.
This sounds like a published calendar. The category names will be on the events, but the colors are specific to the user viewing the calendar.
Hi Diane. I use outlook 2016 on my desktop and have an account. My calendar, contacts, and email sync using exchange. Up until about 6 weeks ago when it stopped working, my husband had been able to see a read only copy of my calendar in his google calendar. He had a link to my outlook calendar that I "published" and then he "added the ics link by url". About 6 weeks ago he noticed that my calendar was no longer updating. I tried to re-add it, but google says it "can't fetch the url". When I click on the publishing link from I get this error "Access to was denied You don't have authorization to view this page. HTTP ERROR 403". I contacted microsoft, but they have not been able to fix it. Any suggestions?
did you reset the calendar link? Go to's options and under calendar, shared calendars to reset the link.
For this solution, we can set permission on calendar let people can edit it cant we?
Sorry, no. When you use an internet calendar it's read-only.
I'm trying to find a solution for a view-only calendar to put on our Intranet, so that people can check what company events (or related events) are happening in their near future. We have Exchange Server and we host all our internet (and intranet) servers in house.
Do I need to set up WebDAV (or I should say, have our IT person do it)? Can I just use the URL method? I don't think they're going to go for a lot of work. I tried to work with a JS calendar, but none of them do what I need.
Help appreciated
I have several desktops that i use and would like to have google calendar as my main calendar. I have a blackberry Z10 which is connected to my corporate notes server (yes...lotus notes). And I also have a google account that I would like to be able to do the following: Use my blackberry to add a calendar appointment or schedule a meeting with someone from my GMAIL account and have it sync with my outlook calendars on my desktops. Also I would like to be able to use any of my desktops using Outlook 2007 and 2010 to connect to my gmail and calendar to sync with my outlook calendar and be able to schedule and add calendar appointments that will show up in my google calendar. I know this is a tall order, but there are sometimes when I can not carry my blackberry in to a customers location and I am just given a desktop to use with internet access. It would greatly help me schedule my time if I could do this. Any help is greatly appreciated!!! Many thanks in advance for your help! regards, Dan
I think the best option for this is CompanionLink it can sync outlook to google - then the BB syncs with google directly.
I forgot my password and it is constantly prompting me. What can I do to find out my password? My other option is to stop publishing my calendar since I don't really use that feature as I thought I might. I'm not sure how to do either of these things. I saw that after I go to Tools and Accounts I can get to published calendar and I can choose to remove it but I want to make sure that won't mess anything else up. Can you help? either solution - my password or published calendar removal is okay for me.
Removing it won't message anything up. The password is your Microsoft account (formerly LiveID) account password. You can change it at