The following articles were included in our Exchange Messaging Outlook (EMO) newsletter published on February 25, 2021.
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Today's Highlights:
- Copy and Paste Contacts
- Send Mail to Contacts
- "Showing results from all folders" when searching current folder
Copy and Paste Contacts
A user needed to make a list of email addresses from his contacts to send to another user. He was copying addresses from the contact and pasting the address in an email, one by one. This sort of manual labor gets old fast, so he called me for advice.
I showed him how to copy just the contact data you need so its ready to paste into Excel or an email message.
The easiest way to get a list of contacts, with just a few fields, such as name and email address is using a custom view.
Switch to the List view then click on the fields you don’t need and drag them off the row of field names.
When the fields are removed, select the contacts you need. You can hold Control and click to select contacts one at a time, or select a contact then hold Shift and click the last contact to select a group of contacts. When you are finished selecting the contacts, copy them using Ctrl+C.
You can paste this into Excel. If you paste it into Outlook or Word, you need to use Paste > As Text to paste it as a plain text table or the actual contacts will be inserted into the message or document as attachments.
Pasting into Outlook results in a tab-separated list; unfortunately, the table is messy. If you need to paste it into an email, paste into Excel spreadsheet first then copy from the spreadsheet and paste into Outlook for a pretty table.
When you are done, reset the View to restore the fields you removed.
Send Mail to Contacts
While I’m talking about Contacts I’ll share another Contacts tip.
If you want to send messages to some of your contacts, select the contact(s) – you can hold control to pick and choose or Shift to select the first then last as a group.
Then hit Email button on the Home ribbon. That will address a new message to the selected contact(s). If you need to create a meeting with the selected contacts, click the Meeting button instead.
If you send to the same group often, you can copy the addresses from the To field and paste in the Contact group's Add Members field. Then the next time you need to send them an email, you’ll add the contact group name in the To field. (The steps are in this article: Create a Contact Group from a List of Addresses.)
"Showing results from all folders" when searching Current folder
An Office 365 update recently added a new “feature” to Outlook’s Search: when you search the current folder an no results are found, Search will search the entire mailbox for a match.
Previously, when Search settings were set to Current folder, only results from within that folder were returned. If no results were found the user would know that. Now, if there are no results in the Current Folder, search returns results from all folders with this message:
"Showing results from all folders. No results found in current folder."
While this might be useful with some searches, I prefer changing the scope myself. There are times when I want to know if a message is in specific folder. I want to see the empty folder, not hundreds of matches from other folders.
Unfortunately, at this time, you cannot disable or turn off this feature.
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Other Resources
Restore Outlook's Classic Permissions Dialog
Outlook has a simplified Permissions dialog, which is used on folders in Exchange accounts in your profile. The simplified dialog lacks the ability to customize the permissions or give another user Owner permissions.
Office hours: Q&A with Office experts on deploying and managing Microsoft 365 Apps
Microsoft is hosting a series of “office hours” for IT professionals.