We see many complaints that Outlook crashes when replying to messages or creating new messages. This happens because the delivery folder selection is corrupt and you are referencing a nonexistent folder.
You may receive error code 0x8004010F with a message that Outlook can't access your outlook.pst file instead of Outlook crashing. The solution is the same: set a delivery location. You'll often get this error if you move the *.pst file and select the new .pst location when Outlook is restarted.
This should only affect POP3 email account and may be more common when the profile contains a Microsoft Exchange Server account.
Select a delivery location
- Open the Account Settings dialog. In Outlook 2010 and up, look on the File tab, in Outlook 2007, it's on the Tools menu.
- Select the POP3 account
- Click Change Folder
- Select a folder to deliver to.
- Work you way back out to Outlook and see if it still crashes.
Send and Receive Error: 0x8004010F
A missing or corrupt folder selection can also result in the following errors when attempting to send and receive. The fix is the same: click Change Folder and select a folder for delivery.
Task 'you@domain.com - Sending' reported error (0x8004010F) : 'Outlook data file cannot be accessed.' Task 'you@domain.com - Receiving' reported error (0x8004010F) : 'Outlook data file cannot be accessed.'
Note: when the error message is 'object cannot be found' and you use an Exchange mailbox, the 800x4010F error is the result of problems with the address book. See The Dreaded 0x8004010f – Operation Failed Error
Hey Diane! I am also facing an error code 0xc0000225 then outlook not responding.
A Windows 10, Office 365 user with many happy years of using Outlook UNTIL most recent round of system updates. Problems were intermittent at first but now occur 100% of the time. I can delete incoming emails BUT if I attempt to reply, when I hit SEND, the header immediately generates a spinning wheel and the message Not Responding appears. If I attempt to create a new email and I hit Address Book, the email immediately hangs with the message Not Responding. Based on an earlier post, I have emptied the AutoComplete file (that was a mistake) with no impact on the problem. I have run OffCAT.msi to identify any issues and found one add-in that I have now disabled. No impact on the problem. I have done both a Quick Repair and a Complete Repair (?) to no avail. I have started Outlook in Safe Mode and was able to send test messages to myself successfully in each of three email accounts - a Pop3 (Earthlink) amd two MAPI accounts (Gmail, Me) when I tested the accounts in Repair mode. However, while still in Safe Mode, any attempt to send a new email failed with the email immediately hanging… Read more »
My outlook crashes and I tried to do this solution but it's not a POP account, I believe it's an Exchange account, what would be the solution for this?
Try removing the exchange account from your profile and add it back (or create a new profile).
while using thi emailing, i was getting sending message error issue mostly and that was seriously irritating. This is best post for Outlook Crashes When You Reply or Create a New Message. Well done Guys!
Finally - the solution! Thank for your help
I guess I'm missing a portion of the fix. When I get to the point of the POP tab under email, it shows my email address and "inbox" under that and nothing else. Should I open the "new folder" selection and create a new name for the emails to go to? Will delivery be the same? Thank you. This never happened before until I moved into a new apartment, now it happens all the time.
I wonder if your problem is something with the internet connection... if the folder names next to the Change folder button says 'address@domain.com\Inbox' then its set correctly. You can try selecting another folder then reselecting the Inbox.
either typing in a preview pane reply or pop-out window reply, Outlook freezes. Tried safe mode and get same results...fully updated Win10 and Outlook 2016
did you find a solution yet?
Doesn't work for me. Outlook 2016, same issue. Creating or replying crashes Outlook 2016. File changed, new Profile, deinstall and install Office 2016, nothing works. The error appears after installing Windows 10 last Version (threshold). Is there any solution ? Trying since 2 days to solve ...
did you find any solution to this