The Holiday card list is an Unsupported Microsoft sample form application to demonstrate customized Post forms, in this example, to create a list of people that you exchanged holiday cards with. To use this form: Open the pst file using File, Open, Outlook Data file. Open the \\Holiday Card List\Holiday Card List folder. The custom
Outlook & Exchange Solutions Gallery
Welcome to the home for a special group of Microsoft Exchange and Outlook utilities. All these gizmos fulfill important needs expressed by users. All are freeware or inexpensive shareware, and we're very grateful to the developers for making them available. Note that most are provided as-is, and little or no support is available. Please contact
Using the Outlook Calendar Template
The Outlook Calendar Template for Word was designed for the North American short date format (mm/dd/yy). It needs to be modified to work for European users with the dd/mm/yy date format. Many thanks to Roger S., Malmesbury, UK, for providing these notes on how the code for the macros need to be changed. All changes