When you use a roaming profile and the Quick Access Toolbar isn't being saved when you log out, Group policy isn't configured to allow all user customizations to roam.
To enable the roaming of the QAT customizations, you need to add the following value to your registry:
Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\Toolbars
Value: CustomUIRoaming
Data: 1
To configure it using group policy, the administrator needs to open the group policy editor and browse to Microsoft Office 2010, Global Options, Customize. Look for the setting to Allow roaming of all user customizations
More Information
For more information, see Deploying a Customized Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar in Office 2010 (MSDN)
Hi Diane;
This seems to be quite an old and inactive post, but I will try here first. My problem is not the Quick Access bar but the Ribbon in Outlook. I keep changing it, by 'Customise the Ribbon', removing from the main Message tab a lot of stuff I don't like or use. The most irritating culprits are buttons for Skype, Zoom and Teams meetings, but also stuff like 'Make time, ', 'Immersive' and others, which I never use and, therefore, are just clogging my Ribbon. The same happens to the Calendar Ribbon.
However, the changes do not stick and, the next time I open Outlook, those buttons are there.
Can you please help me understand what is going on and how to make the changes permanent?
I am on a Dell desktop PC, running Windows 10 and Outlook 365.
When I customize the menu buttons, by adding command buttons, any changes are gone the next time I open Word 2010. Also, there is no OK or Apply as with 2007 or earlier versions of Word. Am I doing something wrong. Please advise!
Thanks! Don
It sounds like something is resetting the ribbon. Do you have any addins, like for Acrobat? If not acrobat, something else is likely resetting the ribbon. Also, you can try making your changes and immediately closing and reopening Word. (It sometimes helps in Outlook but may not make a difference in Word.)
You're right, Diane. I was having this same issue and removing some of the Outlook add-ins resolved the issue and Outlook is now retaining my Quick Access Toolbar customizations. Thank you!