Use this macro to replace the Go To Date feature of Outlook's Calendar. From an open appointment, run the macro. The calendar opens to the date of the appointment.
Note: if you are using a secondary calendar, the macro opens the default calendar too.
To use, set macro security to low, open the VB Editor (Alt+F11). Right click on Project1 and choose Insert > Module. Paste the code into the module.
In an open appointment form, customize the ribbon or QAT to create a macro button.
How to use Outlook's VBA Editor
Sub GoToDate() Dim oExpl As Outlook.Explorer Dim objViews As Views Dim objView As View Dim dtmDate As Date Dim objitem As AppointmentItem Set objitem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem dtmDate = objitem.Start Set oExpl = Application.ActiveExplorer oExpl.ClearSearch oExpl.Display ' use desired calendar view by name Set objViews = oExpl.CurrentFolder.Views Set objView = objViews.Item("Calendar") objView.Apply 'jump to the date objView.GoToDate dtmDate objView.CalendarViewMode = olCalendarViewDay Set objView = Nothing Set objViews = Nothing Set oExpl = Nothing End Sub