The following articles were included in our Exchange Messaging Outlook (EMO) newsletter published on May 20, 2021.
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Today's Highlights:
- Create a Hyperlink on an Outlook Custom Form
- Fixed: Autocomplete Bug
- Using Rules to Return to Sender
- Create a Search Folder for Sender
It's a short week this week - no new KB articles, no bugs (!) to report on now that the autocomplete bug is fixed.
Create a Hyperlink on an Outlook Custom Form
I had a couple of users ask how to create multiple hyperlink fields in an Outlook custom form. While Outlook does not have a hyperlink control for custom forms, it is possible to create a clickable link, using the magic of code behind the form, and a Label field or Command button.
The Contact form has two hyperlink fields - WebPage and FTPSite – use these fields first, it's less hassle and will not be blocked by Outlook's security.
You'll use a Label or Button control, putting the text for the hyperlink in the control's caption field and use code to open the link in your default browser when the user clicks the label. To make it look like a hyperlink, change the font color and add an underline. The same method works for the CommandButton control.
Check out the screenshots and get the code and more information at Create a Hyperlink on an Outlook Custom Form.
Note that thanks to a security update you need to set a registry key in order to use code behind a form. The registry keys and more information is at Custom Form Security Changes.
Fixed: Autocomplete Bug
The bug affecting the autocomplete list in Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, and Outlook 365 was fixed in an updated released late Monday or early Tuesday. The “good” single-line autocomplete list is back in Outlook 2016 and 2019, while the registry key to use the single-line autocomplete list works in Outlook 365.
If you use these versions of Outlook and your autocomplete list is not back to normal, check for updates then restart Outlook.
For screenshots of what the messed up autocomplete list looked like, see Fixed: Autocomplete is messed up in Outlook
Using Rules to Return to Sender
Every few months someone asks me how to return a message to a sender, similar to how you can return a snail mail letter to the sender. Some users are trying to convince the sender that their address is invalid, others just want to reject delivery, mimicking the postal service’s return to sender.
Rarely do the users like my answer: Don’t do it.
Yeah, you can create a rule to autoreply with a fake bounce message but it won’t fool anyone. Bounce messages are returned seconds after a message was sent; an Outlook rule sends it after the message is downloaded, which could be hours later. And it will be sent from the address you want the sender to think is not valid, not an administrator or postmaster address. It’s a little better if you can create a rule in web access, as it will be sent as soon as the message hits your Inbox, but the From address is still a problem.
There are only a few circumstances when it makes some sense to reply to unwanted email – but you should do it just once and type a short note asking the sender to stop sending you messages; don't pretend your address is invalid and bouncing. Then create a rule - in web mail so you never have to see the messages - to permanently delete future messages from that person.
If the address belongs to someone you know but don't want to be in contact with, reply to the sender and ask them to stop sending you email. This method works best with former coworkers, family members, etc., that you no longer want to receive email from. Or just create a rule to delete the message and forgot about it.
If it is from a company and you can't get unsubscribed from their mailing list, set up a rule to delete the messages. They often use unmonitored email addresses and your autoreplies go straight to the wastebin – or bounce back to you.
Warning: Never try this to spam. Just delete the message and move on. If you try to fake an undeliverable message, you’ll only confirm your address is valid. A valid address is valuable on the spammer’s resale market.
Create a Search Folder for Sender
I like to create search folders for people who hire me then when the project is finished, I delete the search folder. I could use Find Related > From Sender, but it can be slow and needs run, while a search folder is persistent.
I can right click on a message and do pretty much anything I might want to do, except create a search folder for their address. Creating a search folder for messages to and from the address is a few clicks but a macro can do the same thing in one click. Select the message, run the macro. Done.
While I've had the code on for several years, I updated the code samples to work with all accounts or data files in an Outlook profile. The code will pick up the data file name from the selected message and will work with any account in your profile.
In addition to the Search folder for sender macro, there is a macro for search folder for category, updated to work with all accounts or data files too.
Get the code sample and instructions at Create an Outlook Search Folder for Sender
Other Resources
Limit the number of appointments per day
Anyone who has a lot of meetings can understand this user's request: the ability to limit the number of meetings users can schedule with him each day by making Free/Busy appear busy.
Filter messages containing spam or offensive words
How to use an Outlook macro to move or delete messages containing spammy keywords.
Count Selected Messages
How to get a count of the messages you have selected in Outlook, using a macro or copy and paste.
Creating an AND rule in Outlook Rules
A user wanted to know how to create an AND rule: If the subject contains outlook AND word, do something For example: "outlook AND word" to match on a Subject line of "Mail merge Outlook and Word", but not "Outlook Teams Meeting" While Outlook Rules don't support AND within a rule, you can make it
Restore Outlook's Classic Permissions Dialog
How to enable Outlook's classic Permissions dialog to use instead of the simplified Permissions dialog.
Meeting Request Spam
Spammers discovered a better way to get your attention: meeting requests. A meeting request spam will add a tentative appointment to your calendar (or an accepted meeting, if you autoaccept appointments) and pop up a reminder to get your attention.