Outlook 2007: All attendees are included on the To line when someone forwards a meeting request.
Over the last several months I've seen a lot of reports about Outlook including the original invitees in the To field when forwarding meeting requests.
Symptom: The organization has a Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) 1.21 application for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 that is used to manage calendar items. When Microsoft Outlook is used to forward a meeting request that was responded to by the CDO application, the "To" field is populated with the original recipients of the meeting request, and the "Subject" field is not prefixed with the letters "FW".
Cause: This problem occurs because the Respond method in CDO 1.21 does not clear the MSGFLAG_UNSENT flag from the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property on the associated appointment. This causes Outlook to treat the appointment as an unsent message.
If you or your users have this problem, see the following KB article and hotfix for Microsoft Exchange Server2003:
The "To" field is populated with the original recipients of the meeting request, and the "Subject" field is not prefixed when you use Outlook to forward a meeting request that was responded to by the CDO application
Note that Microsoft Exchange 2007 notifies the organizer (by email) when an invitation is forwarded by an invitee. This is not a bug.