We often get asked if its possible to restrict the usage of stationery in Outlook. Or the administrators want to setup a default stationery for use by all users on the local network and prevent users from changing the stationery on their desktops.
Yes, this is possible. You need to use this registry key to enforce stationery usage:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\MailSettings Value name: NewStationery Value type: REG_EXPAND_SZ Value: Name of the HTML file, without the .htm tag
For example, if the name of the stationery file is “Company Letterhead.htm” the value for NewStationery would be “Company Letterhead”
The value called NewTheme in the same key controls the default theme if you're using a theme and not stationery.
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You can create a new .adm file if you want to add either key to the group policy editor.