Private WithEvents c1Items As Outlook.Items Private WithEvents c2Items As Outlook.Items Private Sub Application_Startup() Set c1Items = GetFolderPath(\calendar").Items Set c2Items = GetFolderPath(\calendar").Items End Sub Private Sub c1Items_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object) Item.ReminderSet = False Item.Save End Sub Private Sub c2Items_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object) Item.ReminderSet = False Item.Save End Sub Function GetFolderPath(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Outlook.Folder Dim oFolder As Outlook.Folder Dim FoldersArray As Variant Dim i As Integer On Error GoTo GetFolderPath_Error If Left(FolderPath, 2) = "\\" Then FolderPath = Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 2) End If 'Convert folderpath to array FoldersArray = Split(FolderPath, "\") Set oFolder = Application.Session.Folders.Item(FoldersArray(0)) If Not oFolder Is Nothing Then For i = 1 To UBound(FoldersArray, 1) Dim SubFolders As Outlook.Folders Set SubFolders = oFolder.Folders Set oFolder = SubFolders.Item(FoldersArray(i)) If oFolder Is Nothing Then Set GetFolderPath = Nothing End If Next End If 'Return the oFolder Set GetFolderPath = oFolder Exit Function GetFolderPath_Error: Set GetFolderPath = Nothing Exit Function End Function