Public Sub ChangeFileAs() Dim Session As Outlook.NameSpace Dim currentExplorer As Explorer Dim Selection As Selection Dim obj As Object Dim strFirstName As String Dim strLastName As String Dim strFileAs As String Set currentExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer Set Selection = currentExplorer.Selection On Error Resume Next For Each obj In Selection 'Test for contact and not distribution list If obj.Class = olContact Then Set objContact = obj With objContact ' Uncomment the strFileAs line for the desired format 'Lastname, Firstname (Company) format ' strFileAs = .FullNameAndCompany 'Firstname Lastname format ' strFileAs = .FullName 'Lastname, Firstname format ' strFileAs = .LastNameAndFirstName 'Company name only ' strFileAs = .CompanyName 'Companyname (Lastname, Firstname) ' strFileAs = .CompanyAndFullName .FileAs = strFileAs .Save End With End If Err.Clear Next Set Session = Nothing Set currentExplorer = Nothing Set obj = Nothing Set Selection = Nothing End Sub